The Cartoon and Animation Department focuses on merging art, science, and virtual reality in both theory and practice. It aims to equip students with communication theory and practical skills to meet the needs of the industry and academia in this growing field. The department prepares skilled professionals and artists for careers in animation and related fields.With the rise of digital communication, the Department of Cartoon and Animation has emerged as a vital field for professionals in the communication and visual arts industries. Recognizing this need, Üsküdar University's Faculty of Communication aims to develop skilled individuals for the communication sector and foster the academic development of future faculty members in this specialized discipline.Üsküdar University offers advanced education in cartoon and animation, supported by its cutting-edge facilities. These include modern computer labs, TV studios, and specialized workshops for filming, production, and editing. With a team of skilled faculty, the department aspires to excel in this field and become a leader in the industry.