Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University

Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University

Establishment Date


tuition cost

3500$ - 12000$



IZU has a rich historical background tracing back to the establishment of Mekteb-i Zirai Şahane (the imperial agricultural school) in 1848 in the Yeşilköy district during the Ottoman State period. Despite its initial closure in the second year, subsequent decrees in 1867 and 1884 laid the groundwork for agricultural education initiatives, leading to the foundation of Ziraat Müdür-i Umumiye and the commencement of agricultural schools.

The physical infrastructure for educational activities was bolstered with the acquisition of land in 1889 and the completion of constru...

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University Features

Double Major



Sports Facilities

Students Club And Organizations

Campus Security

Technology Infrastructure

University Programs


List of States recognizing the University

Top Accrediting Arab Countries

Egypt Egypt

Libya Libya

Palestinian Territory Occupied Palestinian Territory Occupied

Yemen Yemen

Sudan Sudan

Top Accrediting Africa Countires

Sudan Sudan

The European Union (EU)

Austria Austria

Germany Germany

Denmark Denmark

Spain Spain

France France

Greece Greece

Croatia (Hrvatska) Croatia (Hrvatska)

Italy Italy

Poland Poland

Sweden Sweden